Welcome to Cult Corner where we dive through the bargain bins to determine if a movie is trash or treasure. Today’s pick: Bennett Hoshua Davlin’s Memory. Memory follows Taylor Briggs...
Insidious 3 functions as a prequel to the events of the first two films and finds a father and daughter plagued by malevolent forces after the young girl tries to contact her mother fro...
An aging Ash is now working as a stock boy at Value Stop (There was a licensing issue with S-Mart but that is really not a deal breaker). He fancies himself something of a ladies man and takes great e...
The curse of the self-reviewing title strikes again with Aaaaaaaah!, the bafflingly dreadful feature directorial debut from Sightseers scribe/star Steve Oram. In its IMDb description, the question ...
While the anthology movie is a great and unsung type of horror feature, films of that type usually have the same set of problems. They rarely balance out the stories in a way that satis...
Unless you live under a particularly large rock, you’ve probably heard of a little documentary called The Nightmare, allegedly the scariest documentary of the year. You might have heard that The...
Saw is the kind of film/franchise/phenomenon that certainly needs no introduction. It absolutely dominated the horror world (particularly the month of October) for seven years with no signs of slowing...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 10 #20 is by and large devoted to Buffy and Spike getting over a very large element of their shared past that has affected and even hindered aspects of their curr...
Edward Scissorhands is the creation of an elderly inventor who died before he had the chance to give Edward hands. When he is discovered by an Avon lady, that brings him home, Edwa...