It’s almost over, Fannibals. There’s only one more episode left of NBC’s groundbreaking Hannibal, a show that managed to do so much for the continually growing realm of cinematic tel...
In less than a week, Frightfest takes over the Vue in Leicester Square. With that in mind, Joey Keogh takes a final look at one of the most-anticipated movies on this year’s jam-packed sc...
In 2012, writer-director Scott Derrickson struck (mainstream) horror movie gold with Sinister, a dark, brooding, slow burner loaded with jump scares that introduced audiences to a brand new, wannabe H...
The second issue of Curtis Pires’ The Tomorrows changes things up from the first one in a number of ways. It’s weird that we’re only an issue in and it already feels like a depart...
Ed (Dean Cates) and Lyla (Lauren Ashley Carter) have not seen their brother Martin (Brian Morvant) in a long time. The trio doesn’t appear to be very close. When Ed mentions to Lyla that his chi...
X-Files Archives Volume 1: Whirlwind and Ruins is a compilation of two previously released, stand-alone novels by prominent science fiction writers. IDW Publishing released this volume this week,...
With the release of the fifth and final chapter this month, we’re calling this the perfect time to review this comic sequel from beginning to end. Written by Brandon Seiferet, The Fly: Outbreak ...
Welcome to Cult Corner where we dive through the bargain bins to determine if a movie is trash or treasure. Today’s pick… Paul Etheredge’s Buried Alive. What a mess. What a complete...
With the recent news that Mortal Kombat X has been the most profitable game of the year so far, was anybody really surprised that a new movie would be in the works? There have been rumblings about it ...