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Belzebuth is Not for the Faint of Heart [Review]

If like me, Sandy Hook is one of the worst days you can remember, Belzebuth is going to be a tough watch. In the first thirty minutes or so, there are three massacres, all involving children. The firs...

Elisabeth Moss is Spellbinding in Shirley [Review]

Josephine Decker’s Shirley is a dramatization focusing on renowned horror author Shirley Jackson, a writer as troubled as the very stories that made her infamous. The film catches...

The Hunt

The Hunt Should Have Picked a Lane [Blu-ray Review]

Craig Zobel’s The Hunt is a film rife with two things: violence and political commentary. But is it good? Well, it really depends on who you ask. The flick manages to take jabs at both...

Blade the Iron Cross

Blade: The Iron Cross is a Major Step Forward for the Puppet Master Franchise [Review]

The first great thing I can say about Blade: The Iron Cross, right out of the gate, is that I cannot believe it was shot in five days. I know that it was, because I even watched it happen. That is, af...

WrestleMassacre chokehold

WrestleMassacre isn’t Worthy of Its Cool Title [Review]

With a title like WrestleMassacre, you know what kind of movie you’re in for. And yet, I cannot overstate just how much this rubbish resembles a cross between a backwoods wrestling event and a n...

Shawn Ashmore in Darkness Falls

Darkness Falls is Like a Cop Movie Written By a Bot [Review]

Darkness Falls is a terrible title for a ghost story set in a town called Darkness Falls. It’s an even worse title for this, a gritty police procedural that features the reliably brilliant Shawn...

Scare Package scream

Scare Package is a Near Perfect Horror Anthology [Review]

Scare Package, Shudder’s latest must-watch, is an anthology so, even without knowing anything else about it, one’s guard is up. Anthologies are tough to get right chiefly because they&#x...

Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th [SteelBook Blu-ray Review]

There isn’t really much that I can say about Friday the 13th that hasn’t already been said over and over. So, with that in mind, I won’t attempt to say anything new. But I ...

Alan Van Sprang in Tainted 2

Tainted Could Stand to Be More of an Exploitation Movie [Review]

Tainted has one of the most insane, homoerotic posters I’ve seen in quite some time. It’s a shame, then, that the movie itself is more subdued than its marketing material implies. The need...