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New on Netflix

Horror films on Netflix - New on Netflix. Netflix logo for new to streaming movies.

New on Netflix is a weekly feature appearing every Friday, listing all of the week’s newest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service–and just in time for the weekend!  So pop some popcorn, crack open a few beers, dim the lights, and kill a few hours in Wicked Horror style.

There weren’t a ton of genre titles added to Netflix’s streaming service this week,  but there are a small handful that may be of interest to the discerning (and the not-so-discerning) horror fan.

36 Saints (2013)

“When unconnected people begin turning up murdered in Manhattan, police discover a horrifying truth about the killer’s motives. Unaware of the danger, a group of college students plans a memorial service that makes them targets.” – This is a low-budget mix of slasher film and Biblical mythology that has been panned by mainstream critics.  You can take them at their word, or make up your own mind now that it’s available to stream for free.

Mysterious masked man from the religious slasher 36 Saints.

A Haunted House 2 (2014)

“Marlon Wayans returns in this spoofy sequel as the grieving Malcolm, who’s trying to move on after his girlfriend’s untimely tragic death. But Malcolm has reason to believe his beloved is back when strange things start happening in his new home.” – If you were a fan of the Scary Movie franchise up until the point where the Wayans dropped out, have no fear.  Marlon is back, and the Haunted House movies are basically the same schtick.  Part 1 is also available for streaming.

Marlon Wayons and assorted cast members from Haunted House 2.The Village (2004)

“When a willful young man tries to venture beyond his sequestered Pennsylvania hamlet, his actions set off a chain of chilling incidents that will alter the community forever in this atmospheric thriller featuring a star-studded cast.”M. Night Shyamalan may get a lot of grief these days, but this was released when fans still had a little hope.  It may not be as effective as his earlier films, but it’s a decade later and ready to be reevaluated based on its own merits.  It could be worse.  It could be Lady in the Water.

Joaquin Phoenix and Bryce Dallas Howard from The Village.The Strange Color of Your Body’s Tears (2013)

“Set in a luscious art-nouveau apartment house in Brussels, this dizzying thriller begins with a businessman coming home to find his wife missing. But as he attempts to unravel the mystery, he finds himself plunged into a surreal world.” – Stylish and visually arresting, this arthouse thriller may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but those who dig it will find their television screen transformed into a moving canvas.

Strange colored woman from Strange Color of Your Body's Tears.American Horror Story: Season 3 (2013)

“Exploring humankind’s unsettling capacity for evil, this darkly twisted drama plays upon the power of supernatural fears and everyday horrors. Each season brings back familiar faces, but they’re playing different characters in an all-new setting.” – We’ve already seen the haunted house.  We’ve seen the twisted asylum.  Now it’s time to visit the Coven, with a witchy and bitchy all-star cast. Seasons one and two are also available.

The witches of the Coven from American Horror Story season 3.Sharknado 2: The Second One (2014)

“A freak weather system turns its deadly fury on New York City, unleashing a Sharknado on the population and its most cherished, iconic sites – and only Fin and April can save the Big Apple.” – Once upon a time, the SyFy Channel gave us Sharknado.  Now they’re bringing us…The Second One.  Lord only knows why.  The original feature is also available to stream, so be sure to get caught up before next year’s Sharknado 3.

Shark Vs. Chainsaw in Sharknado 2: The Second One.

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Written by Jonny Metro
Jonny Metro is a cult and horror film fanatic, a latter-day beatnik, and a would-be writer. When he's not toiling away in retail hell, he can be found contributing to Wicked Horror and blogging at his own site. He lives in Colorado with his wife and a whole slew of imaginary friends.
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