Home » New on Netflix: July 7th, 2023

New on Netflix: July 7th, 2023

Welcome back to New on Netflix! This week we have another short list featuring artificial intelligence and blindfolds. Happy viewing!

Unknown: Killer Robots (2023)

Upcoming documentary Unknown: Killer Robots will be available on July 10th and will explores the dangers of artificial intelligence in military application.

Bird Box Barcelona (2023) 

Post apocalyptic thriller Bird Box Barcelona will be available on July 14th. The film is an expansion of the universe set in the 2018 film Bird Box. For those unfamiliar; When a mysterious force decimates the population, only one thing is certain — if you see it, you die. The survivors must now avoid coming face to face with an entity that takes the form of their worst fears. Searching for hope and a new beginning, a woman and her children embark on a dangerous journey through the woods and down a river to find the one place that may offer sanctuary. To make it, they’ll have to cover their eyes from the evil that chases them — and complete the trip blindfolded.

Are you Ready to See? 'Bird Box Barcelona' releases on 14 July - About  Netflix

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Written by Fallon Gannon
True Crime stuff. Way too much coffee. Great with other dogs.
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