Home » Creepshow Reboot Continues to Please a New Generation of Horror Fans

Creepshow Reboot Continues to Please a New Generation of Horror Fans

Happy October, Creeps! You must be living under a rock if you don’t know about Shudder’s Creepshow. Since it’s debut on September 26th fans have welcomed the series with open, vampiric arms and it continues to impress with each new episode. I know I’m certainly enjoying myself. I honestly cannot say enough good this about this series, though I gave it my best shot in my review of episode 1. Saying it was worthy the hype would be an understatement. I love the comic book transitions and the lack of CGI; sticking with those old school effects. Talk about a scary good time.

The latest episode offers viewers two more unnerving tales. “Bad Wolf Down” follows a platoon of American soldiers who are forced to hide out in a dilapidated police station during WWII, but they soon discover something more sinister than war has been unleashed inside the building: a werewolf.

And, my favorite of the two, “The Finger” tells the story of Clark, who has a passion for found objects. One day, he finds something particularly odd: a finger. He takes it home and it grows- first another finger, then an arm, then a whole creature. Clark names him Bob, and they get along great…until Bob starts murdering. Like. A lot. He murders a lot.

Also See: Horror Icon Bill Moseley Talks 3 From Hell [Interview]

If you don’t have Shudder by now you are seriously missing out on a perfectly and precisely rendered, skillfully thought out experience. It perfectly captured the nostalgia people love about the 80’s. One can’t help but feel engrossed from start to finish. It’s everything an anthology series should be and the perfect way to get into the Halloween spirit early. Just do yourself a favor and consider Creepshow for your viewing pleasure. You don’t wanna miss out.

Wicked Rating: 9/10

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Written by Fallon Gannon
True Crime stuff. Way too much coffee. Great with other dogs.
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