Home » Find That Special, Zombie-Loving Someone With Match.com And The Walking Dead!

Find That Special, Zombie-Loving Someone With Match.com And The Walking Dead!

The Walking Dead

If you’re feeling lonely this Valentine’s Day, stuck wondering whether you’ll ever meet that special, horror-loving someone, Match.com is here to save the day–with a little help from The Walking Dead.

Variety reports that the popular dating site will be hosting online viewing parties of the hugely successful horror TV series, in conjunction with each episode airing on AMC.

Match hopes this new initiative will bring fans of the series together so lonely zombie aficionados can find love as well as blood and gore.

The new, entertainment-driven platform is being launched alongside this coming Sunday’s mid-season premiere of the show.

Match.com CEO Mandy Ginsberg noted that “with singles in America today, one of the things that they connect on the most is the shows they watch and love”.

Basically, when The Walking Dead airs on TV, subscribers to the site/app will simultaneously be invited to chat about it live in the aforementioned viewing party. They can either respond to the entire group, or target specific people who take their fancy.

Match have performed test runs on previous episodes of The Walking Dead and Scandal, and noted that a whopping 80% of participants stuck around for the entire hour.

Ginsberg revealed the idea partly came from a study conducted by Match, the results of which showed that “millennials are 270% more likely than those of other generations to be turned on by someone who watches the same shows as they do.”

Likewise, those who enjoy binge-watching the same shows are 79% more likely to have had a date in the last twelve months. and that people who enjoy binging on the same TV show as someone else are 79 % more likely to have had a date in the last year.

It might seem like a goofy idea, but who knows? Love might just spring mid-feast.

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Written by Joey Keogh
Slasher fanatic Joey Keogh has been writing since she could hold a pen, and watching horror movies even longer. Aside from making a little home for herself at Wicked Horror, Joey also writes for Birth.Movies.Death, The List, and Vague Visages among others. Her actual home boasts Halloween decorations all year round. Hello to Jason Isaacs.
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