IFC Midnight has slated the Cabin Fever remake for a limited theatrical and on VOD release February 12, 2016. You can see my review then (they are embargoed until opening day). Today, we have a new series of images from the film to share with you. You can scope the after the break.
As we perviously reported, the remake uses (nearly) the exact same script as the original (which is just about 14 years old). But the death scenes are different and the dialogue has been updated slightly, so it is not quite a shot-for-shot remake.
Eli Roth (who co-penned the script for the original film (on which this remake is based) with Randy Pearlstein executive produced the redux. It is directed by Travis Zariwny (Intruder).
The remake stars Gage Golightly (Teen Wolf), Samuel Davis (From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series), Dustin Ingram (Paranormal Activity 3), Matthew Daddario (36 Saints) and Nadine Crocker (Deadgirl).
Cabin Fever catches up with a group of friends that rent a cabin in the woods for a wilderness getaway. Shortly after the fivesome arrives at their destination, they begin to notice strange goings on. A drifter shows up at the doorstep of their rental with a strange skin condition that begins to spread like wildfire.