The film revolves around an ages old deal with the devil that comes due. The resulting aftermath finds the innocent people of a town called Burning Bush fighting to save their lives and their souls. The devil is on the warpath and attempting to demolish their town and everyone living in it so as to reap their souls.
The film is directed by Justin Mosley and Allen Reed with Reed penning the script. This marks Mosley’s feature film directorial debut and it is also Allen Reed’s first time at the helm. Devil’s Deal will star Matthew Greer (The Mist), David K. Shelton (As Though Dead), and Kari J. Kramer (Texas Chainsaw 3D) and will feature a supporting performance from co-director Allen Reed. A trailer has not surfaced, nor have any stills, so stay tuned.
Director(s): Justin Mosley, Allen Reed
Writer(s): Allen Reed
Stars: Matthew Greer, David K. Shelton, Kari J. Kramer
Release: October 14th (DVD, Digital HD, and VOD)
Studio/ Production Co: LionsGate Home Entertainment
Budget: $250,000 (Estimated)
Language: English
Length: 101 Minutes