Home » Alexandra Serio’s Tingle Monsters is a Trendsetter in Horror

Alexandra Serio’s Tingle Monsters is a Trendsetter in Horror

Webby nominated director, writer and producer Alexandra Serio becomes the master of the constantly swinging cultural pendulum with the world’s first ASMR (short) horror film, Tingle Monsters. Brutal, compelling and a shining example of a psychological thriller that doubles as an exploration into the link between Internet harassment and physical violence against women by bringing together two fantastically different entertainment mediums.

In Tingle Monsters, we meet Dee, an ASMR vlogger with a devoted fan base who returns from an extended absence with a livestream that quickly spirals out of control.

While ASMR may be an acquired taste, it’s easily overlooked as the momentum of everything sweeps you along like a fever dream from the get go, leaving you as tense as a bow string. As short as Tingle Monsters is, everything plays out like an Ann Quin novella for the modern Internet user: Fabulously devious, deliciously wicked and spooky.

Also See: Dewey Riley Set to Return for Scream 5 as David Arquette Signs On!

Bottom line? This is a great story with outstanding potential to be a full length film; or at the very least a messed up graphic novel. I thoroughly enjoyed Tingle Monsters and am eager to see what Serio comes up with next.

Treat yourself by checking out Tingle Monsters! Now available for free on Omeleto and Vimeo!


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Written by Fallon Gannon
True Crime stuff. Way too much coffee. Great with other dogs.
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