Home » Comic Review: Bob: Non-Union Psychic #0 And Preview Pages

Comic Review: Bob: Non-Union Psychic #0 And Preview Pages

Bob: Non-Union Psychic #0 ‘True Talent’ was created and written by Lance Lucero. The story follows Bob, ‘renegade psychic and professional hairstylist’ as he reluctantly rises to his great-grandfather’s expectations, and his destiny. Bob is content to run his salon on the trendy side of town. His psychic capabilities make him a gifted hair stylist. He knows before his clients do what will suit them. He would be content with this existence, but his great grandfather wants Bob to cash in on his capabilities and become a paranormal superstar and member of the prestigious psychic union. Unfortunately, Bob is thrust into the fire rather than into greatness when a horrifying creature is released and he is the only thing standing in its way. He’ll have to keep fighting to keep it from killing, all while managing his appointments at work!

This independent title by Warehouse 9 is a great deal of fun. Bob is the hero comics need. He’s a reluctant, lanky young man who would rather stay in his salon than go out to solve paranormal problems for the frightened masses. Sure, “with great power comes great responsibility,” but it stands to reason that not everyone would want to rise to the occasion. Especially when the creatures being faced are as horrible as the Hux.

Everything about this series promises a good time. The story is engaging, the characters delightful, and the set up of this issue suggests that we’ll see Bob facing off against problems his ‘clients’ face in a creature of the week format in addition to trying to find a way to defeat the raging Hux creature. (If he should revert to strictly facing the Hux in issue 1, I’ll be terribly disappointed.) Francisco Resendiz’s artistic style is playful, which suits the tone of the comic. The color palette he selected is muted, which is more appropriate for something that tows the line between horror and…well, anything else. The only issues I have with the comic are barely issues at all. Resendiz’s last name is incredibly difficult to read on both the cover and the initial credit pages because of the font selection. In addition, the book isn’t as frightening or scary as one might hope for when seeking out a “horror comic” specifically.

That is to be expected. This book isn’t strictly horror. It instead flirts with the idea of being a horror comic in moments of action, while still retaining a great deal of humor. For that reason it earns a score of 5.5 I think the appeal expands well beyond the typical fans of the paranormal or supernatural based comics. I look forward to seeing more of this series! You can find out more or purchase this issue on the Warehouse 9 website!


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Written by Fox Emm
Fox is a writer, editor and blogger whose multi-author horror anthology 'Bad Neighborhood' was released in Dec 2015. She also writes a weekly zombie book and comic review column for HorrorFuel.com , and scrawls less scheduled articles and reviews for GoresTruly.com, as well as writing about her blogging experiences at BloggingOnward.com.
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