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Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell

Book Review: Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell

Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell has a concept so bizarre you wouldn’t think it could possibly work. What if Holmes, world’s greatest detective, faced off against Clive Barker’s Cenobites. It’...

Hellraiser: Judgment - Michael Myers vs Pinhead - Hellraiser - Clive Barker Adaptations

Script to Pieces: Hellraiser: Hellfire

Welcome to Script to Pieces! This is a new feature here at Wicked Horror where we will be looking at the best, most interesting and at times most unbelievable horror movies that never happened. Someti...

Hellraiser: Judgment - Michael Myers vs Pinhead - Hellraiser - Clive Barker Adaptations

Script to Pieces: Helloween – The Michael Myers vs Pinhead Movie That Never Was

Welcome to Script to Pieces! This is a new feature here at Wicked Horror where we will be looking at the best, most interesting and at times most unbelievable horror movies that never happened. Someti...

Hellraiser: Judgment - Michael Myers vs Pinhead - Hellraiser - Clive Barker Adaptations

Gift Guide: Hellraiser Puzzle Cube

Gift Guide is a recurring segment on Wicked Horror where we showcase macabre inspired gift ideas for you or the horror fan in your life. Have an idea for something we should feature on Gift Guide? Let...

Unboxing Horror Block

Horror Block Unboxing – April 2016

Nerd Block is a subscription mystery box that delivers geeky collectibles right to your door each month. You can choose whatever theme box you are into–there’s the Classic Block, Arcade Block, Sci-Fi ...

Hellraiser: Judgment - Michael Myers vs Pinhead - Hellraiser - Clive Barker Adaptations

Four Reasons to be Excited for Hellraiser: Judgment (And Five Reasons Not to Be)

As a massive Hellraiser fan I try to keep an open mind when anything new is announced. We’ve had it pretty good with Hellraiser for a while too, compared to a lot of other franchises. Sure, the last f...

Hellraiser: Judgment - Michael Myers vs Pinhead - Hellraiser - Clive Barker Adaptations

Doug Bradley ‘Not Losing Sleep Over Not Playing Pinhead’ In Upcoming Hellraiser: Judgment

As previously reported, upcoming Hellraiser sequel Judgment sees Paul T. Taylor take on the role of Pinhead, made iconic by Doug Bradley, with SFX guru Gary Tunnicliffe is on directing duties. Last mo...

Hellraiser: Judgment - Michael Myers vs Pinhead - Hellraiser - Clive Barker Adaptations

Gary Tunnicliffe Calls Hellraiser: Judgment “Se7en meets The Cell”

Over the past few weeks, more and more juicy details have been emerging, regarding the highly-anticipated, upcoming Hellraiser sequel, Hellraiser: Judgment.  The flick is being housed at Dimension Fil...

Hellraiser: Judgment - Michael Myers vs Pinhead - Hellraiser - Clive Barker Adaptations

Major Updates on Hellraiser: Judgment, New Pinhead Revealed

Today brings a series of substantial updates on Hellraiser: Judgment. We have your first look at the actor who will be taking on the role of Pinhead as well as a series of additional casting updates. ...