The Halloween franchise took many twists and turns as it spawned sequel after sequel through the 1980’s. Halloween II followed up the original as closely as possible, Halloween III took th...
[soliloquy id=”20991″] Echoing The Poughkeepsie Tapes, Jack Thomas Smith’s Infliction, falls short of any real scares. Like many found footage movies, Infliction’...
Coulrophobia (fear of clowns) is something from which at least one of your friends or family members will claim to suffer. The general consensus is that clowns are scary, not funny, and that they shou...
The Lazarus Effect, directed by David Gelb, pays homage to Mark Shelley’s “Frankenstein” as a group of scientists play God with life, but their discovery comes with deadly co...
Horror is expanding as a genre. Although your local multiplex is peppered with the usual contenders, look a bit closer at the schedule and you’ll find the latest drama, thriller, or crime offer...
Maika Monroe is fast becoming a bonafide Scream Queen. She is following up her scene-stealing breakout performance in last year’s The Guest with It Follows, the sophomore feature from writer-dir...
Netflix Spotlight brings you Wicked Horror’s top picks for what to watch on Netflix, whether it’s the latest indie darling, a classic masterpiece or a silly slasher that deserves a little...
Young adult horror has seen a massive surge in popularity in recent years. In general, most major films based on books that have been coming out recently have been adaptations of young adult/teen...
Matt Barone recently published a piece in the Dissolve which points out the disturbing lack of Black actors, producers, writers, and more within the horror genre. With Black History month drawing to a...