Infernal has strong aspirations from the beginning. Reading the synopsis, I honestly hoped for a thoroughly enjoyable horror flick. The movie tried to utilize a variety of elements from previousl...
Ladies of the House is the kind of rape/revenge horror we don’t see much of anymore. It’s about three guys out enjoying an evening at a strip club when they get the horrible, horrible id...
There’s a lot of horror coming our way very shortly. Most of the major franchises are on their way back. Friday the 13th, for example, is returning in two separate formats. Sure, there are some...
After undergoing reshoots and delivering a new and improved ending, Cooties is gearing up to open The Stanley Film Festival later this month. It has also been acquired for distribution by Li...
Nicolas Winding Refn (Drive) officially began principal photography on his Los Angles-centirc horror film The Neon Demon today. The picture has an impressive cast that include...
Nightlight is the first feature length movie for filmmakers Bryan Woods and Scott Beck. Both were eager to speak with Wicked Horror about how their collaborative approach to writing and directing, as ...
After a series of false starts, the latest installment in the Friday the 13th series seems to be plugging along nicely. Today we learned that the latest installment has brought Hannibal...
Rings has cast a male lead in the form of the up-and-coming Alex Roe. The young actor is also slated to appear in the upcoming YA film The Fifth Wave. Roe will be appearing opposite pre...
In a recent interview with MovieWeb, Bruce Campbell touched on his desire to make a film starring an ensemble cast of horror icons. The idea dates back over five years. He first expressed interest in ...