It’s completely reasonable to be skeptical about the claim that the fifth entry in the Howling series is a pretty damn good flick. It’s hard to remember the reason I even watch...
New on Netflix is a weekly feature here at Wicked Horror where we take a look at the latest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service. It can be tough sifting through all those horror ...
Nothing is all that surprising in the world of American Horror Story. AHS creator Ryan Murphy has long teased out the idea that all of the seasons exist in the same strange universe, and are...
The Chernobyl disaster was a horrifying nuclear accident that happened in 1986, in the Ukraine, a country then under the control of the Soviet Union. This accident caused 31 deaths, cost 18 mill...
When it comes to Blaxploitation cinema, most people either love it or hate it. I have always been a fan, particularly Blaxploitation horror. I love the ingenuity of the storylines and the fi...
Horror is evolving as a genre. Although your local multiplex is still loaded with the usual contenders, look a bit closer and you’ll find the latest drama, thriller, or crime offering is closer...
Back in the day when man-in-suit effects were still the industry standard, Bolaji Badejo was discovered by casting agent Peter Ardram in a pub in London. Given Badejo’s long, slender b...
Hot off the release of the controversial trailer for this year’s Ghostbusters reboot comes a video featurette that takes us inside the surprising amount of science behind the summer blockbuster...
Wicked Horror took a minute to catch up with horror author and poet Anthony Crowley. He has all sorts of irons in the fire at the moment, including contributions to horror anthologies, a tribute to th...