Plenty of movies are set in the olden times to paper over the cracks in their otherwise thin stories. Maybe, the filmmakers seem to be thinking, if there’s a TV set with a massive antenna pokin...
There’s an endless debate as to what the first slasher movie actually is. Looking back on it, I think it’s a subject that warrants further investigation. But it doesn’t do any goo...
For everyone, this year was a major dumpster fire. Last New Years Eve simultaneously feels like yesterday and 100 years ago and its just the worst kind of mindf*ck. But this year also stood out ...
The original Invasion of the Body Snatchers is one of the most enduring classics the horror genre has to offer. It’s spawned multiple remakes, and even though many people haven’t seen it...
Victims and those accused of crimes both pay the price in mishandled criminal cases. Investigations can fall apart due to damaged evidence, planted evidence, corrupt police officers, crucial steps lef...
It’s safe to say that the horror genre is one of the most complex of the film genres, especially with the many different subgenres it’s comprised of. Some of those subgenres include; slas...
No one is out here arguing that 2020 was a good year in most respects. But horror films (and novels) have been popping all year. We’re in a boom with horror auteurs stacking great movies one af...
Amid a global pandemic, no genre has survived – nay, thrived – like horror has. The misfit of the film world has always existed in the shadows, of course, covertly shared through VHS tap...
Offering fans of superhero films something very unique and original, Some Kind of Hate and Daniel Isn’t Real director Adam Egypt Mortimer has returned with Archenemy. A film that takes what so m...