Upcoming Horror Movies

Ash in Army of Darkness. Is Evil Dead 4 Still Happening?

Evil Dead 4 May Still Happen, After All!

I had resigned myself to believing that Evil Dead 4 or Army of Darkness 2 (as Sam Raimi was calling it a few years back) was probably never going to happen. That is until...

Pennywise in the It Remake

Eight Reasons Why the IT Remake Looks Great So Far

While it may not be happening on such an extreme scale, the remake of Stephen King’s It is already shaping up to be the Ghostbusters of horror reboots. People seem to be lining up to hate it be...

Flatliners Remake 2017

Major Supermodel Joins Flatliners Reboot

Joining Sony’s upcoming Flatliners reboot, which already counts Ellen Page, Diego Luna and Nina Dobrev among its cast, will be supermodel Charlotte Mc Kinney. Deadline reports that McKinney...

Hellraiser: Judgment

Here’s Your First Look at the Cenobites in Hellraiser: Judgment!

The first images of Pinhead’s army of Cenobites in Hellraiser: Judgment have surfaced and we are pleased to provide you with your first look. The same sepia color palette that featured...

Saw - Wan and Whannell

Saw Eight Locks Down Premiere Date!

Wicked Horror has learned that LionsGate has dated an eighth Saw film (which is currently untitled) for an October 27, 2017 release. The project has been shooting under the working titl...

First Look at Bill Skarsgard as Pennywise in IT!!

Hot off the press, we have your first look at Bill Skarsgard in character as Pennywise in Stephen King’s It. EW landed the exclusive image you see below. We previou...

The Dark Tower - Fran Kranz

Idris Elba & Jackie Earle Haley Tussle On Dark Tower Set

It’s been nearly two months since we got our first glimpse at Idris Elba, in character as Roland Deschain, on the set of the hugely-anticipated The Dark Tower. And now, we’ve got a whole l...

Saw - Wan and Whannell

Saw: Legacy Secures Director(s)

Wicked Horror has just gotten word as to who will be at the helm of the latest installment in the Saw franchise. Word has come down via OMDC that frequent LionsGate collaborators T...

Flatliners Remake 2017

Flatliners Redux Scores a Cast Member from the Original Film!

We have just learned that the upcoming redux of the 1990 feature film Flatliners has landed one of the stars of the original. Head past the break for all the details on exactly who it i...