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Frightfest 2015 Review: Scherzo Diabolico

Spanish director Adrián García Bogliano’s Late Phases was one of the best horror movies of last year, not to mention arguably one of the most accomplished werewolf movies of all time. ...

Some Kind Of Hate [Frightfest 2015 Review]

Labelling a movie a “feminist slasher” is a bold move. The f word carries with it certain expectations that, to be fair, few films will be able to live up to–regardless of quality. S...

Puppet Master - No Strings Attached: Nine Puppet Master Movies That Never Happened - Blade in Puppet Master

Comic Review: Puppet Master #6

I knew going into the “Rebirth” storyline that it probably was not going to last. I knew that something would happen to force these characters out of human bodies and back into the forms...

Bait [Frightfest 2015 Review]

A few years back, an Australian horror movie called Bait pitched a group of plucky survivors against a tide of hungry sharks, displaced in a flooded supermarket after a devastating tsunami. It wasn&#8...

deathgasm - Zena’s Top Five Horror Films of 2015

Deathgasm [Advance Review]

Heavy metal and horror seemingly go together like blast beats and tremolo picking, but outside of Cannibal Corpse album covers we don’t really have a ton of great works that combine the two. Th...

Advance Review – Narcopolis

In the not-too-distant future, recreational drugs have become legalized, and are regulated and ruled by the mega-corporation, Ambro. A police officer catches wind of something shady going on with...


Frankenstein [Frightfest 2015 Review]

Not to be confused with the upcoming, Daniel Radcliffe and James McAvoy starring, Victor Frankenstein, Bernard “Candyman” Rose’s Frankenstein is the dreamy, gory, and strangely movin...

Review: The Invoking 2

Anthologies are not always easy to pull off. While it is not a hard-and-fast rule, in order to achieve the desired scare, there usually needs to be an efficient amount of time dedicated to charac...

Advance Review: R.L. Stine’s Monsterville Cabinet of Souls

A teenage mind is full of hopes and dreams and when a kid is offered a chance to fulfill their wildest desires, they can be easily manipulated. The Hall of Horrors preys on teenage vulnerability by of...