Home » Horror Male Leads For The Ladies

Horror Male Leads For The Ladies

What Lead Male Do You Think Makes The Best Spouse?
What Lead Male Do You Think Makes The Best Spouse?

What Lead Male Do You Think Makes The Best Spouse?

Nothing like a strong male figure. A provider of a safe home environment. A protector of life, property and family. But in modern times, it’s ok for this male figure to be in touch with his feminine side. A rough around the edges male who can also cook? Sign ’em up! Who cares about kids and loves his mother? Even better!

In all well-written characters, no matter how evil they are or how many bad things they do, they will still possess traits women find appealing. After all, how many times have you seen someone go for the athletic jerk, thinking she can ‘change him’. Often, I bet.

Ladies, who would you choose if you had to? Comment below and let us know who and why!

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