In a series of misadventures ranging from the prehistoric demon age to a nineteenth century ship, with both Angel and Illyria encountering and confronting their past selves, this issue sees the gang r...
B.P.R.D. The Devil You Know revolves around the immediate aftermath of the apocalypse caused by the familiar Lovecraftian monsters. Luckily, they were stopped by the B.P.R.D., but unfortunately there ...
Laurence Campbell is the artist behind the newest Hellboy universe-building series, B.P.R.D: The Devil You Know. He candidly answered some questions from Wicked Horror’s own April Bennett about ...
The Lady Killer comic series, by Joelle Jones, was originally released in 2015 and revolved around Josie Schuller, a 1960s domestic homemaker and perfect wife and mother. However, while Mr. Schuller t...
Psycho- Pass is a Japanese manga series that takes place in the next century of human existence. In this new imagination of our future, humans are guaranteed a society without crime, at the cost of be...
Slayer Repentless is a three-issue miniseries inspired by legendary thrash-metal band Slayer, who have been rocking stages for over thirty years at this point, and particularly their latest album, Rep...
Hellboy: An Assortment of Horrors is a prose anthology consisting of a written word collection of 16 different stories from various authors who are lending their own twist to the Hellboy universe. Aut...
Dead Inside Volume 1 is a collection of the first five issues of the titular series, which revolves around Linda Caruso, a former beat cop who finds herself in the Jail Crimes Division after encourage...
While there are parts of this issue that certainly seem rushed, I’m left extremely excited at the end of it because I have absolutely no idea what to expect. Everything about it feels like part...