Project Ithaca revolves around a Saw like scenario where random people find themselves tethered to the same alien spaceship. With little information, five strangers have to navigate their imprisonment...
They’re Inside is a survival thriller that follows sisters Robin (Karli Hall of Being Charlie and The Hollow Point) and Cody (Amanda Kathleen Ward of Fate and ...
Deadsight follows Canadian police officer Mara Madigan (Liv Collins who also cowrote the film) and Ben Neilson (Adam Seybold of Let Her Out) who stumble across one another during ...
Terror in the Skies is a Cryptid (an animal that may or may not exist, like Big foot, Chupacabra, etc) documentary that revolves around accounts of gigantic flying creatures in Illinois...
Welcome to Blood on my Sofa! Each month I will be providing you with a movie recommendation. It won’t be just any movie, but a movie I watched during the month that really rocked my world. I wou...
Shortwave follows Josh (Cristobal Tapia Montt, The Stranger) and his wife Isabel (Juanita Ringeling, The ABCs of Death) as they move into a remote house two years after the di...
Dead Again In Tombstone revolves around Guerrero (Danny Trejo, needs no introduction), a good old-fashioned western outlaw who has sold his soul to the devil and is in Satan’s service...
47 Meters Down is the summer shark movie of the year. The story revolves around two sisters on a relaxing trip to Mexico. After responsible older sibling Lisa (Mandy Moore, A Walk To Remember, TV̵...
The Demon Inside centers on Sam Parsons (Joseph Rene, Run, Race to Win) and the haunting of his family, wife Courtney Parsons (Madeline Thelton, Alabama Dirt, Big Bad) and daughter Harper (newcomer Ch...