H.P. Lovecraft’s The Hound and Other Stories is a manga adaption, by Gou Tanabe, of three of H.P. Lovecraft’s short stories, namely The Temple, The Hound, and The Nameless City. The Temple...
Psycho Pass is a Japanese manga series that takes place in the next century of human existence. In this new imagination of our future, humans are guaranteed a society without crime, at the cost of bei...
Giant monster movies are goddamned radical and I love them! Giant lizards, bugs, dinosaurs, and alien beasts stomping around a city knocking over buildings, fighting each other, and generally causing ...
Based on the incredibly popular manga and anime of the same name, Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) is a bit of a strange beast. Set in post-apocalyptic Earth, the remainder of humanity resides in ...
Few words can epitomize the anticipation of Titan Comic’s most recent acquisition, but I’ll do my best: Holy shit. Mutafukaz, a French series filled with gun fights, chase scenes and Lat...