After five successful seasons on television, the creative team behind HBO’s Tales from the Crypt decided it was time for a new feature film. Given that there had been a Tales from the Crypt fea...
Welcome back to What’s New on WHTV! This weekly list will update you on everything that is coming to Wicked Horror’s streaming counterpart, Wicked Horror TV. If you’re not aware, ...
When trying to recall actors who became noteworthy to mainstream media and entertainment fans after appearing in horror themed projects, one typically thinks of Jennifer Anniston in Leprechaun, George...
One of the best things about being a horror fan is discovering all of the weird tie-in merchandise for your favorite movies and franchises. Many if not most of the classics have received novelizations...
We live in a golden era of comic book films. Sure, adaptations of comic books date back to the Batman and Superman serials of the 1930s and 1940s. But now we live in a time where we have forty films c...
Horror has a long tradition in of success in television. Some of the earliest shows on TV when it was first introduced were horror-themed and it had a history in radio before that. Horror stories alwa...
Franchises are a large and admittedly crucial part of the horror genre. The series that have spawned the most movies tend to resonate in people’s minds, for good or bad. Jason Voorhees, Fr...
So, Tales from the Crypt is coming back and I should be excited. I really should. That show was such a huge part of my youth and still holds up when I watch it as an adult. Everyone growing up in the ...
As previously reported, every horror nerd’s favourite anthology series, Tales From The Crypt, is set for a much-anticipated TV return, with maestro M. Night Shyamalan spearheading the project. T...