Dead West is billed as an action western following Tony (played by Jeffrey Arrington, John Freeman Story, Vicious), brother of a victim of a serial killer known only as The Ladykiller (Brian Sut...
In the wake of another terrorist attack on American soil that devastates the Pentagon, a private military contractor named Kyle Norris, develops a neurological weapon that will redefine how war is wag...
In 1985, a band of Colombian missionaries agrees to allow renowned war photographer Avery Taggert (Zoë Bell) to travel with them. Although many bands of missionaries dislike journalists, this gro...
After getting into a motorcycle crash with her boyfriend and being left in a wheelchair temporarily, January returns to her family home to recuperate. But the accident has left her with no m...
From the very beginning, Synchronicity sets a pace that will make your head spin and tells a story that will draw you in from the first ten minutes. The film follows Jim Beale and his two partners who...
Natalie Burn’s action-packed thriller, Awaken features Burn as Billie, a young woman searching for her sister. Her exploration leads her to Mexico where her sister disappeared. Billie awakens on...
I thoroughly enjoyed Spike Lee’s “reimagining” of the Park Chan-Wook cult classic Oldboy, which was originally loosely based on a late 1990s Japanese manga series. This remake tel...