Television shows based on horror movies are becoming increasingly popular. Hannibal and Bates Motel both developed large fanbases during their respective runs. Rosemary’s Baby also saw new...
When a horror movie is successful enough, it will find itself with all different kinds of attempts at merchandising. Novelizations, comics, and sometimes video games. These are usually the clunkiest o...
When we think about horror, we think about dark corners, confined spaces, old houses or abandoned hospitals. The beach is none of those things. It’s wide open, often full of people. So itȁ...
Horror is a wide and increasing genre that sees people frequently arguing what does and does not deserve to be labeled a part of it. After all, it’s the only genre that doubles as an emoti...
Horror has never had an easy relationship with the MPAA. It was toughest in the 1970’s and ‘80’s, when a movie’s rating essentially dictated how many people would see that ...
If a horror movie is successful enough, it will often find a television component in some form or another. We see this now more than ever, with series like Bates Motel, Hannibal, Dracula, Rosemary...
The New Mutants comic spun off from the Uncanny X-Men from 1982. While the X-Men were fighting to save the world, the New Mutants trained with Professor Xavier (and later on Magneto and eventually Cab...
Alien has left a lasting cultural legacy that extends far beyond the film and its sequels, prequels and crossovers. Beyond the movies, there are action figures, video games, comics, and there seem to ...
Music in horror can be very diverse. Sometimes the movie will partner with a widely known musician to deliver a hit song inspired by the film. Because of this, we get iconic songs like “Dream W...