The Nightlight Movie is the recently released, first person perspective feature film by the writing and directing team behind Bluebox Limited, Bryan Woods and Scott Beck. Although the two have be...
Nightlight is the first feature length movie for filmmakers Bryan Woods and Scott Beck. Both were eager to speak with Wicked Horror about how their collaborative approach to writing and directing, as ...
[soliloquy id=”20991″] Echoing The Poughkeepsie Tapes, Jack Thomas Smith’s Infliction, falls short of any real scares. Like many found footage movies, Infliction’...
Found footage might be all the rage right now, but that doesn’t mean that it’s new. Most trends in horror aren’t. The genre just moves in cycles. The concept of a film shot in a P...
Let’s face it, found footage lost its edge roughly twenty seconds after the release of its seminal feature, The Blair Witch Project. However, that didn’t stop every opportunistic wannabe a...
A new clip from the deleted segment in the anthology horror sequel V/H/S Viral was released today. Come inside and take a look at the recently released excerpt ...
In Digging up the Marrow, horror filmmaker Adam Green (Hatchet) is compelled to definitively prove or disprove the existence of monsters when he is approached by William Dekker (Ray Wise of ...
Dr. Henry West (William Mapother, The Mentalist), a scientist and a family man, founded the Atticus Institute in the 1970s in order to research Psi abilities—everything ranging from clairvoyanc...
Directed by Dan T. Hall, Asylum: The Lost Footage, isn’t sure what type of movie it is. It has schizophrenic tendencies–switching from documentary-style interviews to found footage to nor...