2015 has been a remarkably good year for horror; from festive fare (Krampus) to anthologies (Tales Of Halloween, A Christmas Horror Story), creature features (The Hallow, Stung), found footage (Unfrie...
It’s been a good year for Not Quite Horror; from mountain-scaling adventures gone horribly wrong, to one of Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies re-imagined in the wilds of Scotland, and a sol...
2015 was a great year for horror films simply because it’s been versatile. Based on what I’ve seen this year, I’m really excited for 2016. Compiling this list wasn’t as ea...
I sometimes feel like people are too fussy when it comes to horror movies nowadays. Sometimes, trying to get a good word about any of them is like trying to get blood out of stone. 2015...
Horror is in a good place, which is weird saying aloud when most people seem to still be operating under the notion that “it all sucks now, it’s not as good as it used to be.” Wit...
Another year, another crop of horror films that really added something to the genre and brought new life to it. The trend that I saw in the movies that stood out for me this year were films that made ...
Whether it be on the big or small screen, great horror is driven by great acting, first and foremost. All great stories are. Luckily, 2015 gave us a lot of that. In part, this was due to the impressiv...
A lot of great horror movies tend to go overlooked. Everyone complains that there are no great new horror features being made, but oftentimes that’s because people are not seeking them out....
Horror has been thriving on the small screen, and it’s only getting bigger. This has been the case for the last several years, at least, but the expansion rate is huge. Some that come along are...