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Top 10 Lists

The Movie Versions of Van Helsing That Made Him an Icon

As long as there have been vampire stories, there have been vampire hunters. While they may have been portrayed as much tamer in recent years, they’ve been a part of the horror pantheon as far ...

Horror movie locations - horror movie villains still give us nightmares

Eight Horror Movie Locations So Powerful They Felt Like Characters

Location is extremely important in a horror movie. More often than not, they are isolated, confined places, which is what sparks the horror itself. Sometimes these places become so characterized as ev...

Movies Only a Horror Fan Could Love

As a diehard fan of horror movies I am more than willing to put up with cheesy nuances, terrible acting, and stupid plot lines. To me, the climax of any horror film is incomparable to that of any othe...

Influential Horror Movies You May Not Have Seen

From the hardcore horror movie fan to the occasional watcher, Freddy Kruger, Jason Voorhees, and JigSaw are household names and pop icons. The infamous pea soup scene in The Exorcist ha...

The Last Voyage of Demeter

Seven Old-School Horror Performances That Are Still Terrifying

The classics are so called for a reason. The early days of horror cinema brought forth some amazing stories and visuals. But it was the performances that cemented their place in the public consciousne...

Overlooked Performances in Horror

There are many reasons audiences love to watch horror movies. Whether it is the attraction of an auteur director such as John Carpenter or just a compulsive need to add up the body count, each audienc...

The Rage: Carrie 2 - Seven Unexpectedly Feminist Horror Movies

Seven Unexpectedly Feminist Horror Movies

Horror is not an inherently misogynist genre, despite what critics, parental groups and conservative personalities have been trying to say for decades. There are some misogynist works and always probl...

Seven Overlooked Horror Movies from Mainstream Directors

We all love our horror directors, the ones we consider to be the true masters of the genre. But even if they don’t always want to admit it, every filmmaker has one horror project under their be...

Six Writer/Director Duos That Prove Two Heads Can be Better Than One

Generally speaking, the last person the director wants on set is the writer. This is why many writers often try to cast themselves in a role in the film, because nobody wants them around otherwis...